What is a Full Duplex Intercom?
Imagine a room with four or five people chatting. Everyone can talk, interrupt and hear everyone else. That is full-duplex. No button pressing, no waiting, no training. The most natural and fastest form of communication.
Now imagine being able to hold that conversation over hundreds of metres or in extreme noise. That is the Wildtalk full-duplex solution.
No button pressing, no dialling. No training.... Safe.

Full Duplex wireless and wired systems differ from normal Push to Talk (PTT) two-way radio or mobile phone calls in two ways;
No button pressing to speak. The Microphone is always open. It is genuinely instant hands-free.
Two or more users can talk at the same time. Users can interrupt one another, just like a group of people having a normal conversation.
Why Full-Duplex?
Fast: Increases Safety over all other methods for speech communications.
Productive: No waiting, information and ideas shared.
Natural: No training for users.
Where Wildtalk has improved communications with Full-Duplex
- Nuclear Decontamination: Several users working in encapsulated suits in a contaminated, noisy environment.
- Engine Test Cells: Several Technicians making frequent and precise measurements of engine performance.
- Robotic Production. Comms for Human Tour Guides. Technical group discussion in a noisy environment.
- Turbine Performance Testing: Time critical group discussion in an extremely noisy environment.
- Carbon Fibre Weaving Shed: Technical instruction in a noisy environment.
- CNC Wood Machining. Technical instruction in a noisy environment.
- Turbine Performance Testing: Widely spaced personnel in an extremely noisy environment.
- Cable winching over 3km. Using an external PTT radio with 6m high antenna to link distant winches. Local full-duplex for instant and safe comms for each winches operators.