About Us

Picture: The river Foss. York.
What we do;
Wildtalk Provides Wireless Voice Communication Solutions for Industrial, Commercial, Security, Educational and Outdoor Pursuit applications.
Our Solutions Work. Guaranteed.
Our Solutions are Reliable. Guaranteed.
Our Solutions Last. Guaranteed.
The products we supply have to fulfill these three criteria. We only use equipment manufactured to fulfill those requirements and that is why you may find some well known brands or products not listed in our portfolio. You can be confident that what we do supply will work for you and it will last many years.
Where off-the-shelf solutions are not available we draw upon our own design skills and experience based on over 25 years working in wireless voice communications. We will design and build it for you. From a custom covert earpiece to a full wireless voice solution.
What we dont do.
- We don't sell you what we want. Only what you need.
- We don't sell the cheapest. We sell the most cost effective.
- We don't sell throw-away. With very few exceptions everything we sell is designed to be repaired.
How we do it:
We design, configure and deliver a working, reliable and long life solution customised exactly to our clients needs. We use two-way radio and full-duplex solutions from a range of manufacturers. Where stock solutions are not available or not up to the demands of our clients we will design it. Components and assemblies, PCB's, cables and finished products, in-house or for third-party manufacture.
Who we are:
Wildtalk was originally founded in 2005 with a view to providing radios to those involved in outdoor pursuits: mountaineers, skiers, Search and Rescue etc...hence Wildtalk. As it turns out many of our customers come from industry but still find fairly demanding uses for their communication kit, be it high-noise or a tough environment.
We always strive to provide an excellent service to our customers and we're ready to have a chat with new or returning customers..... there is no automated answering, just real human beings ready to help!
Our Location:
We are based in York UK but our customers are national and worldwide.
Why are we called Wildtalk?
Back in the early days of the internet finding a good dot com domain name was nearly as difficult as now. Wildtalk.com was initially registered with a view to providing radios to those involved in outdoor pursuits. Mountaineers, Skiers, Search and Rescue etc...hence Wildtalk. As it turns out most of our customers have a fairly demanding application for their communication kit, be it high-noise or a tough environment, so Wildtalk is still a pretty good name for what we do.
Registered Address
35 Hospital Fields Rd
YO10 4DZ
Company Number 06541981
VAT Number GB772454907
EORI Number GB772454907000
D‑U‑N‑S® Number